Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day - It's Not Just For Hippies

Today's controversial remarks: I'm definitely not what most people would consider an environmentalist nut. I think global warming - or climate change or whatever - is a natural, cyclical event that has happened since the beginning of time and that the pseudo-science (yes, I can feel your eyes rolling) behind guilting us into believing that it is 100% man-made and that our own self destruction is just one shifting ice cap away only serves to fuel the multi-billion dollar industry that feeds on the capitalist system that most of the industry's victims, er, target demographic, loathes.

HOWEVER, I also believe that the Earth is not ours to destroy. There is definitely some impact that comes from a growing industrial society feeding our insatiable appetite for bigger, faster, more. I believe that man was given stewardship over the Earth and everything on it, and that we have not always been good about fulfilling that role. 

Bio-ethics will tell you there's no going back to the original state of the Earth before the Industrial Revolution, because the adaptations* that have been made to deal with our impact cannot be unmade without further harming the species that are here. So what is the answer? Recycle. Conserve. Make wise choices. Reusable bags, energy-efficient appliances, low emissions vehicles? Great. Allowing the entire city of New Orleans to be devastated by Hurricane Katrina because strengthening the levies would have disrupted the migratory pattern of a prolific little fish? Not great. 

Extremes are hardly the answer, nor is punishing all of mankind for the actions of a few. But as we think about Earth Day today, let's focus on how we can be good stewards of the resources within the one world we have and live in harmony with the glorious creation we get the privilege to share it with.

*this is not an admission of evolution, only adaptations. When I am cold, I put on a coat, but that does not change me to a new species. Intelligent design allows for necessary adaptations to an ever-changing world.