Friday, May 16, 2008

Oh, Ellen

I want so much to be an Ellen DeGeneres fan. She's funny, witty and smart. Her stand up routines always made me laugh out loud. I watched her sitcom faithfully.


Everything started to be about being gay. Ok, I get that the "coming out" episode was a big deal for people who choose that lifestyle. It pushed the GLBT agenda to new levels in Hollywood. I don't like the agenda or what it stands for, but I get it. If only that was the end of it. Sadly, after that episode there were no more funny sitcom moments on the show for straight people. So I gave up watching it.

Then, Ellen got a talk show. Great! She's funny again. She's got that cool little dance thing, and lots of fun guests.


California decided to allow same-sex couples to have legal "marriages" yesterday. Again, I don't agree with it, but I get where people are coming from. But, the first thing Ellen does is goes on the show and announces she will "marry" her girlfriend, just because she can. Her show has become a platform for that tired old agenda again, and I will no longer watch.

This is the major point I have against same-sex marriages at this point. [Obvious Scriptural reasons aside] I see this sect using marriage for political standing, rather than the loving, personal commitment it is meant to be. It's almost fitting that this is done in California, since same-sex relationships rarely last longer than a Hollywood marriage anyway. The difference now is that there will be a costly divorce involved, increasing the divorce rate exponentially. It's sad that GLBT activists care less about the meaning of marriage and more about activism itself.

Here's my parting thought, if anybody is reading who may be affected by the new law in California: as with anything else, just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.

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