Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Joyful Noise

I'm so blessed! That's not a novel statement for a mother of two wonderful children. Even when it's almost 10:30 and neither one is asleep, including the 2 year old who will probably be up at 7am begging for Cheerios and to have JoJo's Circus turned on. I just know it's worth it when I have a day like today.

We went to dinner to celebrate Bethany's graduation from the 6th grade. On the way home, we were listening to a CD of Christian songs I downloaded from iTunes. The whole family was singing along to Chris Rice's "Untitled Hymn." Scott and Bethany are pretty good singers, and they really belt it. But even over their joyful noise, I heard a tiny voice coming from the back seat: "sing to Ze-zus...sing to Ze-zus..." It was little Andrew singing along with the song, in real time, not repeating what had already been sung. I was amazed and proud at the same time. Our children's pastor is always talking about how kids "get it" at that age, even if its at their own level. Here was proof. Our little Andrew, who has music coursing through his veins (he's quite the little drummer, and showed off his break dancing skills tonight too, but that's another blog...) was singing praise to the Lord.

Personally, I have a habit of only singing if I'm alone, or drowned out by the radio or the church congregation. Scott tells me that I would sing better if I sang louder. Since I usually sit right behind the Pastor, I haven't quite had the courage to try that in church. I did give it a shot in the car on the way to Bible Study a couple of days ago. I had Third Day's "Cry Out to Jesus" cranked and I was matching the volume. My face all screwed up with emotion, I glanced to the side just in time to see two ladies from my Bible Study group in the car next to me waving frantically and grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats! Sigh...thanks, honey. Really.

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