Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rough lyrics

I've struggled with writing Christian lyrics. Before it was easy - broken hearted country songs are not as difficult as the the Dixie Chicks make them out to be. But writing for God, well, that's pretty intimidating. What can I say that would be honoring enough? Or that hasn't already been said a hundred times? I finally decided it's kind of like praying...just say what's on my heart and God will be pleased. It doesn't mean I'm going to get rich and famous from it; my treasures surely lie elsewhere anyway - I've figured that much out by now. So here's my first somewhat attempt at a song. It doesn't rhyme or even have any meter, it's just a flowing of my thoughts:

Sweet baby in the manger
You came so You could know me
That this world could know You in the flesh
And follow in Your footsteps
Hear Your words
See Your love personified

I love You for You died
I love You for You rose
I love You for You live forever
To be my Lord and Savior
Mighty Redeemer

Though You knew they would condemn You
You brought Your message to the world
The very sinners who needed You to bleed
You carried Your cross before them
Still with love and mercy for their souls
As the hammer struck the nails

I love You for You died
I love You for You rose
I love You for You live forever
To be my Lord and Savior
Mighty Redeemer

The tomb could not contain You
The stone was rolled away
By the power of Your victory
By the awesomeness of majesty
Your promise lives forever
Let every tongue confess

I love You for You died
I love You for You rose
I love You for You live forever
To be my Lord and Savior
Mighty Redeemer


eyestodiefor73 said...

who knew you could be a song writer! very nice loved it!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.